Office of André Gurr

Providing Legal Solutions For Life’s Challenges

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Resolving Your Family Dispute Through Mediation

Before resorting to costly, stressful litigation of your contested divorce or some other family law disagreement in litigation — having your future decided by strangers in a courtroom — consider the efficient alternative to dispute resolution, known as mediation.

At the Garden City Law, PLLC, family law firm in Missoula, experienced attorney André Gurr strives to locate the kind of common ground that can get productive discussions going.

As your lawyer during mediation, Mr. Gurr’s goals are to encourage a free exchange of ideas, set a tone for similar cooperation for future domestic issues, and produce outcomes that are amenable to you and your children. He uses his more than 15 years of legal education and experience, legal knowledge and personal attention to chart a viable course of action.

Garden City Law, PLLC — Mediating Solutions To Life’s Challenges

When compared with often emotionally charged litigation, mediation offers many advantages such as:

  • Less expensive
  • More unifying
  • Gives you control over your own destiny, rather than allowing a court to make decisions for you
  • Promotes candor and confidentiality, rather than airing grievances in public
  • Potentially minimizes negative impact of divorce on children

When you are ready to use mediation to resolve differences over child custody, child support, grandparent contact and parenting plans during a marital dissolution, contact André Gurr at Garden City Law, PLLC, from wherever you are in Montana.

Your initial consultation is free and can be arranged right now at 406-552-1846. We welcome the opportunity to be of service before, during or after a divorce.